Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A dozen of Common but Crazy Things we ALL do !!!

How many times during an ordinary day, do so many of us repeat actions even though they are illogical and irrational? This article will focus on a combination of some of these actions. I have compiled a list of such actions that are so common that I would be surprised if every man or woman does not do at least ten of the following dozen. Can't believe me!!!

Read and check for yourself.
1) Why does the glue in a tube not stick to the tube itself?
2) Why do we press down hard on the remote control even though we know that the batteries are weak?

3) If people run into a sign near a park bench saying that the paint is wet, every one will touch it to check. If this is so, why don't these same folk verify the star count of around four billion stars so stated according to various scientists?
4) Why can't we ever manage to open a plastic bag on the first attempt?
5) Why do doctors use sterilized injections on death-role inmates?
6) Have you noticed that if your bank account gets overdrawn, your bank will add an extra charge? Why do they do that? Should you maybe inform them that the reason your checking’s account is overdrawn is because you don't have money?
7) Why do we return to the refrigerator and gaze in when we know that there's nothing interesting to eat inside?
8) If the human race evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?
9) How do bugs get into the enclosed and sometimes shut-tight light bulbs?
10) Heard of the Jap airplane pilots who towards the end of the Second World War crashed their planes into American naval ships? Why did these guys even think of wearing a helmet?

11) Why don't we ever hear jokes about father-in-laws?
12) Sanity statistics has proven that one out of four people are insane or suffer from some form of mental disease. Think of three of your best friends. If they are fine, then you must be the fourth one.
Above, you have run into about dozen or so intriguing incidents on life that I or some friend of mine has come across. I hope that each one of them will bring a wry smile to your face and to your heart. Enjoy!!!

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