Monday, April 30, 2007

U wonder y 2 xplore CS, follow me.....

a beautiful mind has arrived again.....yo.... many of smart fellow especially juniors were wondering y dey opt 4 computer science more precisely my own info, here it is.... again the repeated words just follow me....yo.... With my extensive search n study i came across lots f thing 2 share ....i have diversified the total links with computer as the base... bas padhte jao... u wl definitely gotta benefitted....
So, ULTIMATELY here we G0000000........ yo......
Computer science searches for concepts and proofs to explain and describe computational systems of interest. As with all sciences, these theories can then be utilised to synthesize practical engineering applications, which in turn may suggest new systems to be studied and analysed. While the ACM Computing Classification System can be used to split computer science up into different topics of fields a more descriptive break down follows:

Mathematical foundations
Mathematical logic
Boolean logic and other ways of modeling logical queries; the uses and limitations of formal proof methods.
Number theory
Theory of proofs and heuristics for finding proofs in the simple domain of integers. Used in cryptography as well as a test domain in artificial intelligence.
Graph theory
Foundations for data structures and searching algorithms.
Type Theory
Formal analysis of the types of data, and the use of these types to understand properties of programs — especially program safety.

Category Theory
Category theory provides a means of capturing all of math and computation in a single synthesis.

Theory of computation

Main article: Theory of computation
Automata theory
Different logical structures for solving problems.
Computability theory
What is calculable with the current models of computers. Proofs developed by Alan Turing and others provide insight into the possibilities of what may be computed and what may not.
Computational complexity theory
Fundamental bounds (especially time and storage space) on classes of computations.
Quantum computing theory
Representation and manipulation of data using the quantum properties of particles and quantum mechanisms.

Algorithms and data structures

Analysis of algorithms
Time and space complexity of algorithms.
Formal logical processes used for computation, and the efficiency of these processes.
Data structures
The organization of and rules for the manipulation of data.

Programming languages and compilers
Ways of translating computer programs, usually from higher level languages to lower level ones.
Programming languages
Formal language paradigms for expressing algorithms, and the properties of these languages (e.g. what problems they are suited to solve).

Concurrent, parallel, and distributed systems
The theory and practice of simultaneous computation; data safety in any multitasking or multithreaded environment.
Distributed computing
Computing using multiple computing devices over a network to accomplish a common objective or task and thereby reducing the latency involved in single processor contributions for any task.
Parallel computing
Computing using multiple concurrent threads of execution.
Software engineering
Algorithm design
Using ideas from algorithm theory to creatively design solutions to real tasks
Computer programming
The practice of using a programming language to implement algorithms
Formal methods
Mathematical approaches for describing and reasoning about software designs.
Reverse engineering
The application of the scientific method to the understanding of arbitrary existing software
Software engineering
The principles and practice of designing, developing, and testing programs, as well as proper engineering practices.
Computer architecture
Computer architecture
The design, organization, optimization and verification of a computer system, mostly about CPUs and Memory subsystem (and the bus connecting them).
Computer organization
The implementation of computer architectures, in terms of descriptions of their specific electrical circuitry
Operating systems
Systems for managing computer programs and providing the basis of a useable system.

Computer audio
Algorithms and data structures for the creation, manipulation, storage, and transmission of digital audio recordings. Also important in voice recognition applications.
Algorithms and protocols for reliably communicating data across different shared or dedicated media, often including error correction.
Applies results from complexity, probability and number theory to invent and break codes.

Data mining
Relational databases
Study of algorithms for searching and processing information in documents and databases; closely related to information retrieval.

Artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence
The implementation and study of systems that exhibit an autonomous intelligence or behaviour of their own.
Automated reasoning
Solving engines, such as used in Prolog, which produce steps to a result given a query on a fact and rule database.
Computer vision
Algorithms for identifying three dimensional objects from one or more two dimensional pictures.
Machine learning
Automated creation of a set of rules and axioms based on input.
Natural language processing/Computational linguistics
Automated understanding and generation of human language
Algorithms for controlling the behavior of robots.

Soft computing
Main article: Soft computing
A collective term for techniques used in solving specific problems. See the main article.

Computer graphics
Computer graphics
Algorithms both for generating visual images synthetically, and for integrating or altering visual and spatial information sampled from the real world.
Image processing
Determining information from an image through computation.

Human-Computer Interaction
Human computer interaction
The study of making computers and computations useful, usable and universally accessible to people, including the study and design of computer interfaces through which people use computers.

Scientific computing
The use of computer science to maintain, analyse, store biological data and to assist in solving biological problems such as Protein folding, function prediction and Phylogeny.
Cognitive Science
Computational modelling of real minds
Computational chemistry
Computational modelling of theoretical chemistry in order to determine chemical structures and properties
Computational neuroscience
Computational modelling of real brains
Computational physics
Numerical simulations of large non-analytic systems
Numerical algorithms
Algorithms for the numerical solution of mathematical problems such as root-finding, integration, the solution of ordinary differential equations and the approximation/evaulation of special functions.
Symbolic mathematics
Manipulation and solution of expressions in symbolic form, also known as Computer algebra.
footnotes : any further comments willy be highly appreciated......


Rahul said...

It's great yaar, these topics really helps us to know what computer science is and why we are stduying computer science...
The collection of the topics which we have studied or will study at a same place is really excellent.
I wonder about some of the topics like artificial inteligence, computer algebra, algorithm... are not only to study because we have optioned for Computer Science, but to have the knowledge of these and understand why we are studying Computer Science... Great job.

ashesh deep said...

thanx rahul...keep sending feedbacks...