Wednesday, December 5, 2007

THE GOOGLE STORY ---- by ashesh deep

"Here is the story behind one of the most remarkable Internet successes of our time. Based on scrupulous research and extraordinary access to Google, this article takes you inside the creation and growth of a company whose name is a favorite brand and a standard verb recognized around the world. Its stock is worth more than General Motors’ and Ford’s combined, its staff eats for free in a dining room that used to be run by the Grateful Dead’s former chef, and its employees traverse the firm’s colorful Silicon Valley campus on scooters and inline skates.

THE GOOGLE STORY is the definitive account of the populist media company powered by the world’s most advanced technology that in a few short years has revolutionized access to information about everything for everybody everywhere. In 1998, Moscow-born Sergey Brin and Midwest-born Larry Page dropped out of graduate school at Stanford University to, in their own words, “change the world” through a search engine that would organize every bit of information on the Web for free.While the company has done exactly that in more than one hundred languages, Google’s quest continues as it seeks to add millions of library books, television broadcasts, and more to its searchable database.

You will learn about the amazing business acumen and computer wizardry that started the company on its astonishing course; the secret network of computers delivering lightning-fast search results; the unorthodox approach that has enabled it to challenge Microsoft’s dominance and shake up Wall Street. Even as it rides high, Google wrestles with difficult choices that will enable it to continue expanding while sustaining the guiding vision of its founders’ mantra: DO NO EVIL."

Back Before it was a GOOGLE......

According to Google lore, company founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin were not terribly fond of each other when they first met as Stanford University graduate students in computer science in 1995. Larry was a 24-year-old University of Michigan alumnus on a weekend visit; Sergey, 23, was among a group of students assigned to show him around. They argued about every topic they discussed. Their strong opinions and divergent viewpoints would eventually find common ground in a unique approach to solving one of computing's biggest challenges: retrieving relevant information from a massive set of data.
By January of 1996, Larry and Sergey had begun collaboration on a search engine called BackRub, named for its unique ability to analyze the "back links" pointing to a given website. Larry, who had always enjoyed tinkering with machinery and had gained some notoriety for building a working printer out of Lego™ bricks, took on the task of creating a new kind of server environment that used low-end PCs instead of big expensive machines. Afflicted by the perennial shortage of cash common to graduate students everywhere, the pair took to haunting the department's loading docks in hopes of tracking down newly arrived computers that they could borrow for their network.
A year later, their unique approach to link analysis was earning BackRub a growing reputation among those who had seen it. Buzz about the new search technology began to build as word spread around campus.

The hard work continued...

Larry and Sergey continued working to perfect their technology through the first half of 1998. Following a path that would become a key tenet of the Google way, they bought a terabyte of disks at bargain prices and built their own computer housings in Larry's dorm room, which became Google's first data center. Meanwhile Sergey set up a business office, and the two began calling on potential partners who might want to license a search technology better than any then available. Despite the dotcom fever of the day, they had little interest in building a company of their own around the technology they had developed.
Among those they called on was friend and Yahoo! founder David Filo. Filo agreed that their technology was solid, but encouraged Larry and Sergey to grow the service themselves by starting a search engine company. "When it's fully developed and scalable," he told them, "let's talk again." Others were less interested in Google, as it was now known. One portal CEO told them, "As long as we're 80 percent as good as our competitors, that's good enough. Our users don't really care about search."

One Lucky Click away.....

Andy Bechtolsheim, one of the founders of Sun Microsystems, was used to taking the long view. One look at their demo and he knew Google had potential – a lot of potential. But though his interest had been piqued, he was pressed for time. As Sergey tells it, "We met him very early one morning on the porch of a Stanford faculty member's home in Palo Alto. We gave him a quick demo. He had to run off somewhere, so he said, 'Instead of us discussing all the details, why don't I just write you a check?' It was made out to Google Inc. and was for $100,000."
The investment created a small dilemma. Since there was no legal entity known as "Google Inc.," there was no way to deposit the check. It sat in Larry's desk drawer for a couple of weeks while he and Sergey scrambled to set up a corporation and locate other funders among family, friends, and acquaintances. Ultimately they brought in a total initial investment of almost $1 million.
Everyone's favorite garage band
In September 1998, Google Inc. opened its door in Menlo Park, California. The door came with a remote control, as it was attached to the garage of a friend who sublet space to the new corporation's staff of three. The office offered several big advantages, including a washer and dryer and a hot tub. It also provided a parking space for the first employee hired by the new company: Craig Silverstein, now Google's director of technology.
Already, still in beta, was answering 10,000 search queries each day. The press began to take notice of the upstart website with the relevant search results, and articles extolling Google appeared in USA TODAY and Le Monde. That December, PC Magazine named Google one of its Top 100 Web Sites and Search Engines for 1998. Google was moving up in the world.

A Real life Instance of Sergey & Larry by an Expert...

Sergey Brin and Larry Page cruised onto the stage to the kind of roars and excitement that teenagers normally reserve for rock stars. They had entered the auditorium through a rear door, leaving behind photographers, sunglasses, a pair of hired cars with drivers, and an attractive young woman who was traveling with Sergey. Dressed casually, they sat down and cracked smiles, pleased at their heroes’ welcome. They were near the birthplace of civilization, thousands of miles and an ocean away from the place where their work together had begun. It seemed as good a place as any for a pair of young superstars, whose shared ambition revolved around changing the world, to talk about what they had done, how they had done it, and what their dreams were for the future.“Do you guys know the story of Google?” Page asked. “Do you want me to tell it?”“Yes!” the crowd shouted.It was September 2003, and the hundreds of students and faculty at this Israeli high school geared toward the brightest young minds in mathematics wanted to hear everything the youthful inventors had to say. Many of them identified with Brin because, like him, they had escaped with their families from Mother Russia in search of freedom. And they related to Page just as eagerly, since he was part of the duo that had created the most powerful and accessible information tool of their time–a tool sparking change that was already sweeping the world. Like kids playing basketball and dreaming of being the next Michael Jordan, the students wanted to be like Sergey Brin and Larry Page.“Google was started when Sergey and I were Ph.D. students at Stanford University in computer science,” Page began, “and we didn’t know exactly what we wanted to do. I got this crazy idea that I was going to download the entire Web onto my computer. I told my advisor that it would only take a week. After about a year or so, I had some portion of it.” The students laughed. “So optimism is important,” he went on. “You have to be a little silly about the goals you are going to set. There is a phrase I learned in college called, ‘Having a healthy disregard for the impossible,’” Page said. “That is a really good phrase. You should try to do things that most people would not.”As proponents of tackling important problems and seeking transformative solutions, Brin and Page were certainly armed with a healthy disregard for the impossible. And while not much older than the throng of high school students who packed the jammed auditorium, they were truly in a class by themselves. In the rich and storied history of American invention and capitalism, there had never been a meteoric rise comparable to theirs. It had taken Thomas Edison a quarter century to invent the lightbulb; Alexander Graham Bell had spent many years developing the telephone; Henry Ford created the modern assembly line and turned it into the mass production and consumption of automobiles only after decades of work; and Thomas Watson Jr. labored long and hard before IBM rolled out the modern computer. But Brin and Page, in just five years, had taken a graduate school research project and turned it into a multibillion-dollar enterprise with global reach. They were in Tel Aviv, but had it been Tokyo, Toronto, or Taipei, the Google Guys would have received the same raucous reception. The youthful pair had changed the lives of millions of people by giving them free, instant access to information about any subject. And by being devilishly clever in the Internet age, they had created the best-known new brand in the world without advertising to promote the name. The two were astute businessmen, and knew that to succeed over time it was imperative that they remain in complete control of their privately owned business and its quirky culture. It saddened Page that many inventors die without ever seeing the fruits of their labors. Determined to avoid a similar fate, he and Brin understood how to use the right connections, access to money and brilliant minds, raw computing power, and a culture of limitless possibilities to make Google a beacon and a magnet. In the click of a mouse, it had replaced Microsoft as the place for the world’s top technologists to work. Yet they knew that maintaining the pace of innovation and the mantle of leadership would be no easy feat, since they faced a deeper-pocketed competitor in Microsoft, and a ruthless combatant in its chief, the billionaire Bill Gates.Supremely confident about their achievements and vision, Brin and Page had been on a roll ever since they started working together. They wanted no one–neither competitors nor outside investors–to come between them or interfere in any way. That combination of dependence on each other, and independence from everyone else, had contributed immeasurably to their astounding success.“So I started downloading the Web, and Sergey started helping me because he was interested in data mining and making sense of the information,” Page went on, continuing with the pair’s history. “When we first met each other, we thought the other was really obnoxious. Then we hit it off and became really good friends. That was about eight years ago. And we started working really, really hard on it.” He stressed this critical point: inspiration still required plenty of perspiration. “There was an important lesson for us. We worked through holidays, and worked many, many hours a day. It ended up working out, but it is hard because it takes a lot of effort.”Page said that as they told friends about Google, more and more people started using it. “Pretty soon we had 10,000 searches a day at Stanford. And we sat around the room and looked at the machines and said, ‘This is about how many searches we can do, and we need more computers.’ Our whole history has been like that. We always need more computers.”It was a sentiment the students and teachers at the school could relate to.“So, we started a company. Being in Silicon Valley at this time, it was relatively easy to do. You have a number of very excellent companies here as well,” he added, alluding to the growing technology sector in Israel, “so this is also a good environment to do things like that. We started up the company, and it grew and grew and grew–and that is why we are here. So that,” he concluded, “is ‘The Google Story.’”But there was something more he wanted to convey: closing words of inspiration.“Let me explain to you guys why I am so excited about being here,” Page said. “And it is really that there is so much leverage in science and technology. I think most people don’t really realize that. There is so much that can be done with these new technologies. We are an example of that.“Two kind of crazy kids have had a big impact on the world because of the power of the Internet, the power of the distribution, and the power of software and computers. And there are so many things like that out there. There are so many opportunities where you can have a huge impact on the world by using the leverage of science and technology. All of you are uniquely positioned, and you should be excited about that.”Brin interjected that the pair’s overseas travels included not only Israel but also several European countries. They were on the prowl for talent, and they were considering opening new offices. For Sergey, who has a sharp sense of humor, the search was ongoing. “We spend most of our time trying to get Internet access,” he quipped. “We surf every day. I was on until 4 a.m. last night. And then I got on again earlier this morning. It is an invaluable tool. It is kind of like a respirator now.”Having fled Russia with his family for freedom from anti-Semitism and discrimination, Brin had something powerful in common with the experience of many of the Russian-born students at the Israeli high school. His father, Michael Brin, had captured the essence of why he and his wife and young son had left Russia when he said that one’s love of country is not always reciprocated. Sergey recognized that he had a special opportunity to motivate these students, so he took the wireless microphone in hand, stood up, and connected. He had been advised before they came to the high school that this group truly was extraordinary, the best of breed, and the recent recipients of all but three of the top mathematics prizes in the country.“Ladies and gentlemen, girls and boys . . .” he said, before speaking in Russian, to the delight of the students, who broke out in spontaneous applause.“I came and emigrated from Russia when I was six. I went to the United States. Similar to here, I have standard Russian-Jewish parents. My dad is a math professor. They have a certain attitude about studies. And I think I can relate that here, because I was told that your school recently got seven out of the top ten places in a math competition throughout all Israel.”The students, unaware of what was coming next, applauded their seven-out-of-ten achievement and the recognition from Sergey.“What I have to say,” Sergey continued, “is in the words of my father, ‘What about the other three?’”A ripple of laughter went through the crowd. “You have several things here that I didn’t have when I was going through high school. The first one is the beautiful weather and the windows. My school in Maryland, which was built during the ’70s energy crisis, has three-foot-thick walls and no windows. You are very fortunate to be in such a beautiful setting. The other thing we didn’t have back then was Internet access. “Let me get a show of hands. How many of you used the Internet yesterday?”Virtually every hand in the auditorium shot up.

What's next from Google?

It's hard to say. We don't talk much about what lies ahead, because we believe one of our chief competitive advantages is surprise. And then there's innovation, and an almost fanatical devotion to our users. These are the things that fuel us, and, we hope, fuel our dreams.

Courtsey: 1.
2. The Google Story by David Wise & Mark Malseed

Thursday, November 29, 2007

How to Reset the Password of Windows XP, if forgotten accidently? ---by ashesh deep

To solve the above problem, we must follow the following steps:-

Download the file "" from

zip file and burn dis image to a CD; this is a bootable Linux Kernel image. Burn it as an

image of aCD. Set ur computer 2 boot 4m CD/DVD drive. Insert CD in drive and reboot.

And follow easy instructios to RESET WIN-XP PASSWORD.


Friday, November 23, 2007

Bad news for IT employees...

IT companies, faced with a free-falling dollar and receding bottomlines, are cutting wages of
their staff, reducing increments and freezing recruitment. They are also forcing techies to work
for more hours so that every dollar they earn is worth it. Industry analysts say Indian software
companies, labelled globally as cyber sweat shops, spend up to 45 per cent of their dollar
earnings on staff salaries. And every dollar counts at a time when the greenback has plunged to
an all-time low of Rs 39.39. Of course, the latest developments have been worrying those
techies who earn part-dollar wages.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

India's SUPERCOMPUTER is really Superb...

ashesh deep is back with some technical but interested post. Being an indian i really feel proud to have a software background. I am going to tell about a new national craze. I saw this article in Times news and so wanted to throw some lights on SUPERCOMPUTERS. So, again the repeated lines----"just follow me"----yo........ a beautiful mind ashesh deep is back.....
India's Supercomputer is inTop4
India has surprisingly broken into the Top Ten in a much-fancied twice-yearly list of
the fastest supercomputers in the world, marking a giant leap in its push towards
becoming a global IT power. A cluster platform at Pune's Computational Research
Laboratories (CRL), a Tata subsidiary, has been ranked fourth in the widelyanticipated TOP500 list released at an international conference on high performance computing in Reno, Nevada.
It is the first time that India has figured in the Top100 let alone Top Ten of the supercomputing list. The list, which is usually dominated by the United States, is also notable this time because it has five new entrants in the Top Ten, with supercomputers in Germany and Sweden up there with the one in India. The fourth-ranking Tata supercomputer, named EKA after the Sanskrit term for one, is a Hewlett-Packard Cluster Platform 3000 BL460c system. CRL has integrated this system with its own innovative routing technology and to achieve a 117.9 Teraflop or trillions of calculations per second. The No. 1 position was again claimed by the BlueGene/L System, a joint development of IBM and the US Department of Energy's (DOE) National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) and installed at DOE's Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California.
Although BlueGene/L has occupied the No. 1 position since November 2004, the current system is much faster at 478.2 TFop/s compared to 280.6 TFlop/s six months ago before its upgrade. At No 2 is a BlueGene/P system installed in Germany at the Forschungszentrum Juelich (FZJ) and it achieved performance of 167.3 TFlop/s. The No. 3 system at the New Mexico Computing Applications Center (NMCAC) in Rio Rancho, N.M posted a speed of 126.9 TFlop/s. Ashwin Nanda, who heads the CRL, told the conference that its supercomputer had been builtwith HP servers using Intel chips with a total of 14,240 processor cores. The system went operational last month and achieved a performance of 117.9 teraflops. The system is slated for use in government scientific research and product development for Tata, as well as to provide services to US customers, Nanda said. In a statement in India, the Tata Group said "EKA marks a milestone in the Tata group's effort to build an indigenous high performance computing solution." CRL, it disclosed, built the supercomputer facility using dense data centre layout and novel network routing and parallel processing library technologies developed by its scientists. While the US is clearly the leading consumer of high power computing systems with 284 of the 500 systems, Europe follows with 149 systems and Asia has 58 systems. In Asia, Japan leads with 20 systems, Taiwan has 11, China 10 and India 9. The second ranked supercomputer inIndia, rated 58th in the Top500 list is at the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore. Others are ranked 152, 158, 179, 336, 339,340 and 371. Horst Simon, associate laboratory director, computing sciences, at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in Berkeley, and one of the Top500 list authors, told Computerworld that it was exciting to see India's entrance into the Top 10 and because the country has "huge potential" as a supercomputing nation.
"India is very well known for having great software engineers and great mathematicians, and having a (HPC) center there is a catalyst for doing more in the high performance computing field," Simon told the industry publication, adding that it brings "a whole new set of players into the supercomputing world." India has made steady progress in the field of supercomputing from thetime it first bought two from the US pioneer Cray Research in 1988, at a time of a tough technology control regime. US strictures on the scope of its use and demand for intrusive monitoring and compliance led India to devise its own supercomputers using clusters of multiprocessors.
Supercomputers are typically used for highly calculation problem solving in quantum
mechanical physics, molecular modeling, weather forecasting and climate research, and physical simulation including that of nuclear tests. The term supercomputer is quite relative. It was firstused in 1929 to refer to large custom-built tabulators IBM made for Columbia University. Thesupercomputers of the 1970s are today's desktops.
Post some comments on it.
courtesy: Times of India

Hyde Act ----by ashesh deep

1) Full co-operation in civilian nuclear energy has been denied to India:

a) U.S. unwillingness to co-operate in the areas of spent-fuel reprocessing and uranium enrichment related to the full nuclear fuel cycle.
b) Denial of the nuclear fuel supply assurances and alternate supply arrangements mutually agreed upon earlier.
c) Limits co-operation in the GNEP programme. India will not be permitted to join as a technology developer but as a recipient state.

2) India asked to participate in the international effort on nuclear non-proliferation, with a policy congruent to that of United States.
The Hyde Act envisages (Section-109) India to jointly participate with the U.S. in a programme involving the U.S. National Nuclear Security Administration to further nuclear non-proliferation goals. This goes much beyond the IAEA norms and has been unilaterally introduced apparently without the knowledge of the Indian government. In addition, the U.S. President is required to annually report to the congress whether India is fully and actively participating in U.S. and international efforts to dissuade, isolate and if necessary sanction and contain Iran for its pursuit of indigenous efforts to develop nuclear capabilities. These stipulations in the Act and others pertaining to the Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI), the Wassenaar Arrangement, and the Australia Group etc. are totally outside the scope of the July 18th Agreement and they constitute intrusion into India's independent decision making and policy matters. India's adherence to MTCR is also unnecessarily brought in.

3) Impact on our Strategic Defence Programme

In responding to the concerns earlier expressed by us, the Prime Minister stated in the Rajya Sabha on August 17, 2006 that "we are fully conscious of the changing complexity of the international political system. Nuclear weapons are an integral part of our national security and will remain so, pending the elimination of all nuclear weapons and universal non-discriminatory nuclear disarmament. Our freedom of action with regard to our strategic programmes remains unrestricted. The nuclear agreement will not be allowed to be used as a backdoor method of introducing NPT type restrictions on India." And yet, this Act totally negates the above assurance of the PM.
In view of the uncertain strategic situation around the globe, we are of the view that India must not directly or indirectly concede our right to conduct future nuclear weapon tests, if these are found necessary to strengthen our minimum deterrence. In this regard, the Act makes it explicit that if India conducts such tests, the nuclear cooperation will be terminated and we will be required to return all equipment and materials we might have received under this deal. To avoid any abrupt stoppage of nuclear fuel for reactors which we may import, India and the U.S. had mutually agreed to certain alternative fuel supply options which this Act has totally eliminated out of consideration. Thus, any future nuclear test will automatically result in a heavy economic loss to the country because of the inability to continue the operation of all such imported reactors.
Furthermore, the PM had assured the nation that "India is willing to join any non-discriminatory, multilaterally negotiated and internationally verifiable Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty (FMCT), as and when it is concluded in the Conference on Disarmament." But, the Act requires the U.S. to "encourage India to identify and declare a date by which India would be willing to stop production of fissile material for nuclear weapons unilaterally or pursuant to a multilateral moratorium or treaty."
In his Rajya Sabha address, the PM had said, "Our commitment towards non-discriminatory global nuclear disarmament remains unwavering, in line with the Rajiv Gandhi Action Plan. There is no dilution on this count." Unfortunately, the Act is totally silent on the U.S. working with India to move towards universal nuclear disarmament, but it eloquently covers all aspects of non-proliferation controls of U.S. priority, into which they want to draw India into committing.
In summary, it is obvious that the Hyde Act still retains many of the objectionable clauses in the earlier House and Senate bills on which the Prime Minister had clearly put forth his objections and clarified the Indian position in both Houses of Parliament. Once this Act is signed into law, all further bilateral agreements with the U.S. will be required to be consistent with this law.
As such, the Government of India may convey these views formally to the U.S. Administration and they should be reflected in the 123 Agreement.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

"INDO-US Nuclear Deal and 123 Agreement" ---an exclusive explanatory article

We all have heard a lot about "Indo-US nuclear deal Controversy or 123 agreement"
. I want to throw some lights on this topic as well so that in short everyone can understand what this nuclear-deal all about? In brief, i will describe about the aspects of so-called deal and the controvesies following it up.
So, as usual follow me up..........
The Indo-US nuclear deal is being rerarded as the biggest breakthrough in years.
The 123 agreement that will make the deal operational, was finally made public earlier on Aug.03, 2007. This, after months of tough negotiations between Indian and American diplomats that took place, even as the deal battled its way through Parliament in Delhi and the US Congress.
Many have consistently raised concerns that this make-or-break deal might be bad for India but here is a look at more of the fine prints of the deal that has a life span of 40 years.
The 123 agreement is a civil nuclear deal, therefore, it will have no bearing on India's strategic and military programme and India can make a bomb. It is completely out of the ambit of the deal.In the text of the deal there is a clause that says that the agreement will in no way be a hindrance to India's strategic programme.
Therefore, India can continue to make a bomb with its own fuel.What is clear from the draft of the 123 agreement is that there is no legal binding commitment on India to never test again. India, if it wants to, can choose to conduct a nuclear test.If India does conduct a nuclear test, it will not be violating any international treaty or agreement because there is no mention of testing or detonation in this bilateral agreement.
Essentially, what the controversy has been over is whether if India conducts a test the Americans under their own laws would have the right to take back all the fuel that they give us.
Controversies & "Right of Return" :
The deal interestingly says that the right of return that the Americans have does not automatically comes into effect. It is something the US administration chooses to do. They would have to stop cooperation with India.But whether or not they take back fuel is something they would have to choose to do.
Even after the US chooses to do that, there are about seven to eight barriers before the right of return actually comers into play.What the agreement says that that it will take into account the circumstances in which India conducts a nuclear test.These include a ''changed security environment'' or action, which could impact national security.
Essentially, what it boils down to is that the right of return may not be invoked if Pakistan or China conduct nuclear tests and India responds to that by conducting a test of its own.In a way, this is the first international agreement, which would justify the circumstances in which a nuclear test is conducted.
So India is not giving up its right to test and right of return of nuclear fuel does not automatically comes into play.Apart from this there are certain assurances given by US President George W Bush to the Indian side.
Those have been verbatim repeated in the text of the agreement. These assurances are that the US would ensure that there is a lifetime supply of fuel for India's nuclear reactors and that they help India build its strategic fuel reserve.
If the US is unable to fulfill this commitment, it will convene a group of countries like Russia, France and the UK to ensure supply.Even if, for some reason, they were to take back nuclear fuel, India retains the right to seek alternate sources of fuel for itself. India will have to build strategic reserve so that it does not go out nuclear fuel.
Any kind of feedback will be heartly welcomed.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Visvesvaraya Technological University

Visvesvaraya Technological University, also spelt Visveswaraiah Technological University, (VTU), is a University in Karnataka, India.
At present, 141 engineering colleges all over Karnataka are affiliated to VTU. The intake every year for engineering under this university inclusive of post-graduate courses is around 38,000. The university has 25 branches of Bachelor of Engineering and 54 branches of Masters in Technology courses. B. E. (Bio-Technology) was an under-graduate branch introduced in 2002-03 in 21 colleges. In addition, the university offers MBA and MCA courses. The university also offers M. Sc. (Engg.) through Research and Ph.D. programmes. Currently, the University has 249 registered candidates for M.Sc. (Engg.) by Research and Ph.D. in 80 Research Centres in 24 affiliated colleges.
The University has achieved the tremendous task of bringing various colleges affiliated earlier to different Universities, with different syllabi, different procedures and different traditions under one umbrella.
The university is also known for its record number of placement activities.Every year thousands of students are recuited by various companies through campus placement programs.
The first batch consisting of approximately 13,000 students of under-graduate (engineering and technology fields) students admitted in the academic year 1998-99 graduated from the portals of this University during the month of July 2002. Four batches of M. Tech., 3 batches of MBA and 2 batches of MCA students have so far graduated from the university. The total number of post-graduates who have completed their studies in this university is around 5000.

Sunday, October 28, 2007


A stock market is a market for the trading of company stock, and derivatives of same; both of these are securities listed on a stock exchange as well as those only traded privately.

The Definition

The term 'the stock market' is a concept for the mechanism that enables the trading of company stocks (collective shares), other securities, and derivatives. Bonds are still traditionally traded in an informal, over-the-counter market known as the bond market. Commodities are traded in commodities markets, and derivatives are traded in a variety of markets (but, like bonds, mostly 'over-the-counter').
The size of the worldwide 'bond market' is estimated at $45 trillion. The size of the 'stock market' is estimated at about $51 trillion. The world derivatives market has been estimated at about $480 trillion 'face' or nominal value, 30 times the size of the U.S. economy…and 12 times the size of the entire world economy.[1] The major U.S. Banks alone are said to account for well over $200 trillion. It must be noted though that the value of the derivatives market, because it is stated in terms of notional values, cannot be directly compared to a stock or a fixed income security, which traditionally refers to an actual value. (Many such relatively illiquid securities are valued as marked to model, rather than an actual market price.)
The stocks are listed and traded on stock exchanges which are entities (a corporation or mutual organization) specialized in the business of bringing buyers and sellers of stocks and securities together. The stock market in the United States includes the trading of all securities listed on the NYSE, the NASDAQ, the Amex, as well as on the many regional exchanges, the OTCBB, and Pink Sheets. European examples of stock exchanges include the Paris Bourse (now part of Euronext), the London Stock Exchange and the Deutsche Börse.


Participants in the stock market range from small individual stock investors to large hedge fund traders, who can be based anywhere. Their orders usually end up with a professional at a stock exchange, who executes the order.
Some exchanges are physical locations where transactions are carried out on a trading floor, by a method known as open outcry. This type of auction is used in stock exchanges and commodity exchanges where traders may enter "verbal" bids and offers simultaneously. The other type of exchange is a virtual kind, composed of a network of computers where trades are made electronically via traders at computer terminals.
Actual trades are based on an auction market paradigm where a potential buyer bids a specific price for a stock and a potential seller asks a specific price for the stock. (Buying or selling at market means you will accept any bid price or ask price for the stock.) When the bid and ask prices match, a sale takes place on a first come first served basis if there are multiple bidders or askers at a given price.
The purpose of a stock exchange is to facilitate the exchange of securities between buyers and sellers, thus providing a marketplace (virtual or real). The exchanges provide real-time trading information on the listed securities, facilitating price discovery.
The New York Stock Exchange is a physical exchange. This is also referred to as a "listed" exchange (because only stocks listed with the exchange may be traded). Orders enter by way of brokerage firms that are members of the exchange and flow down to floor brokers who go to a specific spot on the floor where the stock trades. At this location, known as the trading post, there is a specific person known as the specialist whose job is to match buy orders and sell orders. Prices are determined using an auction method known as "open outcry": the current bid price is the highest amount any buyer is willing to pay and the current ask price is the lowest price at which someone is willing to sell; if there is a spread, no trade takes place. For a trade to take place, there must be a matching bid and ask price. (If a spread exists, the specialist is supposed to use his own resources of money or stock to close the difference, after some time.) Once a trade has been made, the details are reported on the "tape" and sent back to the brokerage firm, who then notifies the investor who placed the order. Although there is a significant amount of direct human contact in this process, computers do play a huge role in the process, especially for so-called "program trading".
The Nasdaq is a virtual (listed) exchange, where all of the trading is done over a computer network. The process is similar to the above, in that the seller provides an asking price and the buyer provides a bidding price. However, buyers and sellers are electronically matched. One or more Nasdaq market makers will always provide a bid and ask price at which they will always purchase or sell 'their' stock.[2].
The Paris Bourse, now part of Euronext is an order-driven, electronic stock exchange. It was automated in the late 1980s. Before, it consisted of an open outcry exchange. Stockbrokers met in the trading floor or the Palais Brongniart. In 1986, the CATS trading system was introduced, and the order matching process was fully automated.
From time to time, active trading (especially in large blocks of securities) have moved away from the 'active' exchanges. Securities firms, led by UBS AG, Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Credit Suisse Group, already steer 12 percent of U.S. security trades away from the exchanges to their internal systems. That share probably will increase to 18 percent by 2010 as more investment banks bypass the NYSE and Nasdaq and pair buyers and sellers of securities themselves, according to data compiled by Boston-based Aite Group LLC, a brokerage-industry consultant.
Now that computers have eliminated the need for trading floors like the Big Board's, the balance of power in equity markets is shifting. By bringing more orders in-house, where clients can move big blocks of stock anonymously, brokers pay the exchanges less in fees and capture a bigger share of the $11 billion a year that institutional investors pay in trading commissions.

Market Participants

Many years ago, worldwide, buyers and sellers were individual investors, such as wealthy businessmen, with long family histories (and emotional ties) to particular corporations. Over time, markets have become more "institutionalized"; buyers and sellers are largely institutions (e.g., pension funds, insurance companies, mutual funds, hedge funds, investor groups, and banks). The rise of the institutional investor has brought with it some improvements in market operations. Thus, the government was responsible for "fixed" (and exorbitant) fees being markedly reduced for the 'small' investor, but only after the large institutions had managed to break the brokers' solid front on fees (they then went to 'negotiated' fees, but only for large institutions).
However, corporate governance (at least in the West) has been very much adversely affected by the rise of (largely 'absentee') institutional 'own'.


Historian Fernand Braudel suggests that in Cairo in the 11th century Muslim and Jewish merchants had already set up every form of trade association and had knowledge of every method of credit and payment, disproving the belief that these were invented later by Italians. In 12th century France the courratiers de change were concerned with managing and regulating the debts of agricultural communities on behalf of the banks. Because these men also traded with debts, they could be called the first brokers. In late 13th century Bruges commodity traders gathered inside the house of a man called Van der Beurse, and in 1309 they became the "Brugse Beurse", institutionalizing what had been, until then, an informal meeting. The idea quickly spread around Flanders and neighboring counties and "Beurzen" soon opened in Ghent and Amsterdam.
In the middle of the 13th century Venetian bankers began to trade in government securities. In 1351 the Venetian government outlawed spreading rumors intended to lower the price of government funds. Bankers in Pisa, Verona, Genoa and Florence also began trading in government securities during the 14th century. This was only possible because these were independent city states not ruled by a duke but a council of influential citizens. The Dutch later started joint stock companies, which let shareholders invest in business ventures and get a share of their profits - or losses. In 1602, the Dutch East India Company issued the first shares on the Amsterdam Stock Exchange. It was the first company to issue stocks and bonds.
The Amsterdam Stock Exchange (or Amsterdam Beurs) is also said to have been the first stock exchange to introduce continuous trade in the early 17th century. The Dutch "pioneered short selling, option trading, debt-equity swaps, merchant banking, unit trusts and other speculative instruments, much as we know them" (Murray Sayle, "Japan Goes Dutch", London Review of Books XXIII.7, April 5, 2001). There are now stock markets in virtually every developed and most developing economies, with the world's biggest markets being in the United States, Canada, China (Hongkong), India, UK, Germany, France and Japan.

Investment Strategies

One of the many things people always want to know about the stock market is, "How do I make money investing?" There are many different approaches; two basic methods are classified as either fundamental analysis or technical analysis. Fundamental analysis refers to analyzing companies by their financial statements found in SEC Filings, business trends, general economic conditions, etc. Technical analysis studies price actions in markets through the use of charts and quantitative techniques to attempt to forecast price trends regardless of the company's financial prospects. One example of a technical strategy is the Trend following method, used by John W. Henry and Ed Seykota, which uses price patterns, utilizes strict money management and is also rooted in risk control and diversification.
Additionally, many choose to invest via the index method. In this method, one holds a weighted or unweighted portfolio consisting of the entire stock market or some segment of the stock market (such as the S&P 500 or Wilshire 5000). The principal aim of this strategy is to maximize diversification, minimize taxes from too frequent trading, and ride the general trend of the stock market (which, in the U.S., has averaged nearly 10%/year, compounded annually, since World War II).
Finally, one may trade based on inside information, which is known as insider trading.

The behavior of the stock market

From experience we know that investors may temporarily pull financial prices away from their long term trend level. Over-reactions may occur— so that excessive optimism (euphoria) may drive prices unduly high or excessive pessimism may drive prices unduly low. New theoretical and empirical arguments have been put forward against the notion that financial markets are efficient.
According to the efficient market hypothesis (EMH), only changes in fundamental factors, such as profits or dividends, ought to affect share prices. (But this largely theoretic academic viewpoint also predicts that little or no trading should take place— contrary to fact— since prices are already at or near equilibrium, having priced in all public knowledge.) But the efficient-market hypothesis is sorely tested by such events as the stock market crash in 1987, when the Dow Jones index plummeted 22.6 percent — the largest-ever one-day fall in the United States. This event demonstrated that share prices can fall dramatically even though, to this day, it is impossible to fix a definite cause: a thorough search failed to detect any specific or unexpected development that might account for the crash. It also seems to be the case more generally that many price movements are not occasioned by new information; a study of the fifty largest one-day share price movements in the United States in the post-war period confirms this.[2] Moreover, while the EMH predicts that all price movement (in the absence of change in fundamental information) is random (i.e., non-trending), many studies have shown a marked tendency for the stock market to trend over time periods of weeks or longer.
Various explanations for large price movements have been promulgated. For instance, some research has shown that changes in estimated risk, and the use of certain strategies, such as stop-loss limits and Value at Risk limits, theoretically could cause financial markets to overreact.
Other research has shown that psychological factors may result in exaggerated stock price movements. Psychological research has demonstrated that people are predisposed to 'seeing' patterns, and often will perceive a pattern in what is, in fact, just noise. (Something like seeing familiar shapes in clouds or ink blots.) In the present context this means that a succession of good news items about a company may lead investors to overreact positively (unjustifiably driving the price up). A period of good returns also boosts the investor's self-confidence, reducing his (psychological) risk threshold.[3]
Another phenomenon— also from psychology— that works against an objective assessment is group thinking. As social animals, it is not easy to stick to an opinion that differs markedly from that of a majority of the group. An example with which one may be familiar is the reluctance to enter a restaurant that is empty; people generally prefer to have their opinion validated by those of others in the group.
In one paper the authors draw an analogy with gambling.[4] In normal times the market behaves like a game of roulette; the probabilities are known and largely independent of the investment decisions of the different players. In times of market stress, however, the game becomes more like poker (herding behavior takes over). The players now must give heavy weight to the psychology of other investors and how they are likely to react psychologically.
The stock market, as any other business, is quite unforgiving of amateurs. Inexperienced investors rarely get the assistance and support they need. In the period running up to the recent Nasdaq crash, less than 1 per cent of the analyst's recommendations had been to sell (and even during the 2000 - 2002 crash, the average did not rise above 5%). The media amplified the general euphoria, with reports of rapidly rising share prices and the notion that large sums of money could be quickly earned in the so-called new economy stock market. (And later amplified the gloom which descended during the 2000 - 2002 crash, so that by summer of 2002, predictions of a DOW average below 5000 were quite common.)

Courtesy: wikipedia

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Artificial intelligence

The term Artificial Intelligence (AI) was first used by John McCarthy who used it to mean "the science and engineering of making intelligent machines".[1] It can also refer to intelligence as exhibited by an artificial (man-made, non-natural, manufactured) entity. While AI is the generally accepted term, others, including both Computational Intelligence and Synthetic Intelligence, have been proposed as potentially being "more accurate."[2] The terms strong and weak AI can be used to narrow the definition for classifying such systems. AI is studied in overlapping fields of computer science, psychology, philosophy, neuroscience, and engineering, dealing with intelligent behavior, learning, and adaptation and usually developed using customized machines or computers.

Research in AI is concerned with producing machines to automate tasks requiring intelligent behavior. Examples include control, planning and scheduling, the ability to answer diagnostic and consumer questions, handwriting, natural language, speech, and facial recognition. As such, the study of AI has also become an engineering discipline, focused on providing solutions to real life problems, knowledge mining, software applications, strategy games like computer chess and other video games. One of the biggest difficulties with AI is that of comprehension. Many devices have been created that can do amazing things, but critics of AI claim that no actual comprehension by the AI machine has taken place.


Generally speaking AI systems are built around automated inference engines. Based on certain conditions ("if") the system infers certain consequences ("then"). AI applications are generally divided into two types, in terms of consequences: classifiers ("if shiny then diamond") and controllers ("if shiny then pick up"). Controllers do however also classify conditions before inferring actions and therefore classification form a central part of most AI systems.

Classifiers make use of pattern recognition for condition matching. In many cases this does not imply absolute, but rather the closest match. Techniques to achieve this divides roughly into two schools of thought: Conventional AI and Computational intelligence (CI).

Conventional AI research focuses on attempts to mimic human intelligence through symbol manipulation and symbolically structured knowledge bases. This approach limits the situations to which conventional AI can be applied. Lotfi Zadeh stated that "we are also in possession of computational tools which are far more effective in the conception and design of intelligent systems that the predicate-logic-based methods, which form the core of traditional AI", techniques which have become known as soft computing. These often biologically inspired methods, stand in contrast to conventional AI and compensate for the shortcomings of symbolicism.[3] These two methodologies has also been labelled as neats vs. scruffies, with neats emphasizing the use of logic and formal representation of knowledge while scruffies take an application-oriented heuristic bottom-up approach

fUnNy FaCtssss .......

* John Madden is an accomplished ballroom dancer. In 21 states, Wal-Mart is the single largest employer.

* Jim Gordon, drummer of Derek and the Dominos ("Layla"), killed his mother with a claw hammer, then went back to finish a set with the band.

*One of Hewlett Packard's first ideas was an automatic urinal flusher.

*Eric Clapton did not play the very famous first riff on the song "Layla". That was Duane Allman.

*Clapton comes in later. As you age, your eye color gets lighter.

*There are more cars in Southern California than there are cows in India.

*The two-foot long bird called a Kea that lives in New Zealand likes to eat the strips of rubber around car windows.

*The province of Alberta, Canada is completely free of rats. Illinois has the most personalized license plates of any state.

*If a statue in the park of a person on a horse has both front legs in the air, the person died in battle; if the horse has one front leg in the air, the person died as a result of wounds received in battle; if the horse has all four legs on the ground, the person died of natural causes.

*There are two credit cards for every person in the United States.

*The international telephone dialing code for Antarctica is 672.

*The average chocolate bar has 8 insect legs in it.

*There are 206 bones in the adult human body, but 300 in children (some of the bones fuse together as a child grows).

*Fleas can jump 130 times higher than their own height.

*In human terms this is equal to a 6 foot person jumping 780 feet into the air.

*Snakes are true carnivores as they eat nothing but other animals. They do not eat any type of plant material.

*There are no venomous snakes in Maine.

*The blue whale can produce sounds up to 188 decibels. This is the loudest sound produced by a living animal and has been detected as far away as 530 miles.

*The human eye blinks an average of 4,200,000 times a year.

*It takes approximately 12 hours for food to entirely digest.

*Erosion at the base of Niagara Falls (USA) undermines the shale cliffs and as a result, the falls have receded approximately 7 miles over the last 10,000 years.

*The longest living cells in the body are brain cells which can live an entire lifetime.

*The Main Library at Indiana University sinks over an inch every year because when it was built engineers failed to take into account the weight of all the books that would occupy the building.

* North Dakota has never had an earthquake.

*Alexander Graham Bell (who invented the telephone) also set a world water-speed record of over seventy miles an hour at the age of 72.

*There is enough fuel in a full tank of a jumbo jet to drive an average car four times around the world.

* Hawaii is moving toward Japan 4 inches every year.

*Chimps are the only animals that can recognize themselves in a mirror.

*The leg bones of a bat are so thin that no bat can walk.

*There are more living organisms on the skin of a single human being than there are human beings on the surface of the earth.

*Marilyn Monroe had six toes on one foot.

*If you keep a goldfish in the dark room, it will eventually turn white.

*Women blink nearly twice as much as men.

*In England, the Speaker of the House is not allowed to speak.

*Almonds are members of the peach family.

*Maine is the only state whose name is just one syllable.

*Americans on the average eat 18 acres of pizza every day.

*One person in two billion will live to be 116 or older.

*If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days, you would have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee.

*February 1865 is the only month in recorded history not to have a full moon.

*More people are killed by donkeys annually than are killed in plane crashes.

*Lorne Greene had one of his nipples bitten off by an alligator while he was host of "Lorne Greene's Animal Kingdom".

*The dot that appears over the letter "i" is called a tittle.

*All major league baseball umpires must wear black underwear while on the job (in case their pants split).

*The Spanish word esposa means "wife." The plural, esposas, means "wives," but also "handcuffs."

*If all Americans used one third less ice in their drinks the United States would become a net exporter instead of an importer of energy.

*If the Nile River were stretched across the United States, it would run nearly from New York to Los Angeles.

*San Francisco cable cars are the only National Monuments that move. The Hoover Dam was built to last 2,000 years.

*Its concrete will not be fully cured for another 500 years.

*Abraham Lincoln's dog, Fido, was assassinated too.

*All of David Letterman's suits are custom made - there are no creases in his suit trousers.

*Cranberry Jell-O is the only flavor that contains real fruit flavoring.

*Fewer than half of the 16,200 major league baseball players have ever hit a home run.

*In comic strips, the person on the left always speaks first.

*Richard Versalle, a tenor performing at New York's Metropolitan Opera House, suffered a heart attack and fell 10 feet from a ladder to the stage just after singing the line "You can only live so long."

* If the entire population of earth was reduced to exactly 100 people, 51% would be female, 49% male; 50% of the world's currency would be held by 6 people, one person would be nearly dead, one nearly born.

* In 1920, Babe Ruth out-homered every American League team.

*Topless saleswomen are legal in Liverpool, England, but only in tropical fish stores.

*Toxic house plants poison more children than household chemicals.

*The original name of Bank of America was Bank of Italy.

*The ant, when intoxicated, will always fall over to its right side.

*The California Department of Motor Vehicles has issued six driver's licenses to six different people named Jesus Christ.

*Michael Jordan makes more money from Nike each year than all the Nike factory workers in Malaysia combined.

*People in China and Japan die disproportionately on the 4th of each month because the words death and four sound alike, and they are represented by the same symbol.

*Chicago is closer to Moscow than it is to Rio de Janeiro.

* Dogs have two sets of teeth, just like humans. They first have 30 "puppy" teeth, then 42 adult teeth.

*In 1950, President Harry Truman threw out the first ball twice at the opening day Washington DC baseball game; once right handed and once left handed.

*A Swiss ski resort announced it would combat global warming by wrapping its mountain glaciers in aluminum foil to keep them from melting.

*The chameleon has a tongue that is one and a half times the length of his body.

*Beethoven dipped his head in cold water before he composed.

*There once was a town named "6" in West Virginia.

*Ten years ago, only 500 people in China could ski. This year, an estimated 5,000,000 Chinese will visit ski resorts.

*In 1920, Babe Ruth broke the single season home run record, with 29. The same year, he became the first major leaguer to hit 30 home runs. The same year, he became the first major leaguer to hit 40 home runs. The same year, he became the first major leaguer to hit 50 home runs.

*A Nigerian woman was caught entering the UK with 104 kg of snails in her baggage.

*Profanity is typically cut from in-flight movies to make them suitable for general audiences.

*Fox Searchlight Pictures has substituted "Ashcroft" for "A**hole" in the movie Sideways when dubbed for Aerolineas Argentinas flights.

*Author Hunter S. Thompson, who committed suicide recently, wanted to be cremated and his ashes to be shot out of a cannon on his ranch.

*Sports Illustrated magazine allows subscribers to opt out of receiving the famous swimsuit issue each year.

*Fewer than 1% choose this option. There is a company that will (for $14,000) take your ashes, compress them into a synthetic diamond to be set in jewelry for a loved one.

* The RIAA sued an 83 year old woman for downloading music illegally, even though a copy of her death certificate was sent to the RIAA a week before it filed the suit.

*Two 1903 paintings recently sold at auction for $590,000 - the paintings were in the famous "Dogs Playing Poker" series.

*Russian scientists have developed a new drug that prolongs drunkenness and enhances intoxication.